Bethsaida CDC

Child Development Center​

Our Programs

Children in the Program

So far, by the grace of God, we have 175 participants within the program, ages between 3 – 5, 6 – 8, and 9 – 11 years old.

These children enjoy a well-planned Saturday program for them, where they come to get taught God’s word amidst other things, get fed, play with each other, and have fun for the better part of the day before they are picked off by their parents/guardians to go home.

This is a half-day program for them every Saturday apart from public holidays that fall on this day.

We also conduct birthday parties for the participants quarterly to celebrate them and give them a feel of a birthday with friends to share a cake and fun.

Spiritual Development

This aims to nurture a child’s faith and provide them with a foundation of spiritual values and beliefs. Through regular mentorship, Bible study, and participation in Christian activities, children are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God, find hope, and discover their purpose in life

Socio-emotional Development

We create safe and supportive environments where children can thrive emotionally and socially. Through group activities, counseling sessions, and mentorship programs, children learn essential life skills such as empathy, communication, and conflict resolution, fostering healthy relationships and emotional resilience.

Physical Development

The physical development program focuses on providing children with access to nutritious food, healthcare, and physical activities to ensure their overall well-being and growth. Through health check-ups, nutritional support, and sports programs, children receive the necessary resources and education to lead healthy lifestyles, preventing malnutrition and illness.

Cognitive Development

This program is designed to stimulate children’s intellectual growth and academic potential. Through access to quality education, tutoring, and enrichment activities, children are empowered to develop critical thinking skills, pursue their interests, and unlock their full potential, breaking the barriers of poverty and achieving academic success.

Child Protection

We believe that each child is a gift from God and very precious. We endevour to protect them from any form of violence, abuse of any nature exploitation and neglect.

According to childline kenya 2019 survey, physical abuse was @254 cases, sexual abuse 20? NUMBER HAS BEEN CUT OFF and child neglect 230. We try to mitigate and reduce this number by raising awareness to the caregivers and raising child protection advocates in Kiandutu Slum.
We also train the children on inappropriate touch and other form of abuse and how to report an abuse case.

We have created a safe space where the children are close to the teachers and community development workers at the center.

We have also set up a toll free line 0800211112 and email:, website:

This will help in reporting.

Our approach is Active protection – Immediate Response – Partnerships

Our guiding scripture is Proverbs 31:8-9: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Caregiver Empowerment

Due to the high rise of the population in the slum areas, employment opportunities become limited. As a way of curbing this risk, our center has formulated a way of engaging caregivers in entrepreneurship, training, and support by starting income-generating acitivites.

This plan’s aftermath will show that the caregivers can put food on the table, afford health care fees for their children, and improve their living and mental health.

In addition, financial stability affects other human aspects such as reproductive services. Caregivers who are financially empowered can make empowered decisions about their families, this includes the knowledge of the number and spacing of their family size.
The project has assisted and empowered caregivers in businesses such as green groceries, hotels, and animal keeping.

51 caregivers have been empowered to date.